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Bad Ass Thambi
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
I'm a complex soul Still existing on this planet Trying to find Happiness in the rest... u like my blog comment it or mail it to me or tweet me at www.twitter.com/thedeepu
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The Real Disclaimer

Lately I been through some newly released bollywood movies and man I got irritated. Of course I cant do anything for it but I can surely suggest a warning message for some movies so the audience is ready for the rain…

You might have noticed that a disclaimer appears on screen b4 any movie starts.. God only know why do they do that when the movie not a fart of stuff in it...

“The characters in this film are fictitious and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental and not intentional.”

Well I say to include some more clauses.. as follows..

"The characters in this film are fictitious and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental and not intentional. All Stunts*, Nudity** or Exposure ** and Bloodshed*** is only to attract the perverted and the jobless wannabe group in the society and are being made only to increase the Google search hits. All dialogues and music are translated plagiarized versions of an arbit English/South Asian movie so further copy of the songs or posting the following in any other social community or youtube is strictly prohibited and will lead to criminal offences. If you are watching this film on a silver screen impressed by the posters on the road side then we advise you to please vacate your seat and donate the ticket to a person who has a SAT score equal to that of a retard .Any foul language on screen is purely due to the frustration on the director and producer and is not on anybody else. Free coke and popcorns will be available during songs on screen and VAT will be twice as much during intervals. The Last man standing will get a free trip of 3 days and 3 night stay in Antarctica (With AC and refrigerator charges free)".

*,**, *** -If your are annoyed with the concept/actors can call our toll free number

1800-PLS-4-GIVEMYSORRYASS any time.

If the reader is hurt then I have my sincere apologies for it. And ask him/her to continue to watch more of these movies and get entertained.